Y35 Mag Issue No. 11

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Features and Inspiration Vol. 7: In this issue, Jordan Garza shares his love for shooting film, especially with underwater cameras. His feature exhibits a gorgeous, gritty compilation of photographs that highlight surfing and West Coast culture. Jordan's craft is unmatched and unique – his approach authentically fuses elements of nostalgia, action, and serenity. We were lucky enough to interview him to gain some rad insights on his background and artistry.

Dante Ruscitti, Y35 Mag's Founder and Editor, chronicles a five-day, adventure-packed escapade of nonstop shooting. This narrative recounts the quests and antics of a small gang of passionate, light-chasing creatives as they traverse hundreds of miles worth of land throughout Colorado. While his words describe the events, the images tell the true stories. Dante's collection of photographs depicts a bonding through film, incorporating landscape, street, night, and portrait photography. With little sleep, this crew pushed themselves to the absolute limit in order to savior moments in time and capture them forever.

Sarah Sayre offers helpful tips in developing film through her piece, “The Trials and Tribulations of an Amateur Photographer: Developing.” Sarah's passion for film photography and all of its processes shines throughout her work. For those looking to gain some technical perspective on self-developing, her encouragement and photographic examples provide a valuable resource in evaluating the differences in the numerous types of developing techniques.

52 pages/8.5x11 in.

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