Y35 Mag Issue No. 10

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Features and Inspiration Vol. 6: In the tenth issue of Y35 Mag, artists from Colorado, Michigan, and Bulgaria come together to form a legendary lineup. This interview-heavy edition features Julia Dimitrova (interviewed by Erin McIntosh), Alex Kittoe, Meghan Roshak, and Dante Ruscitti. While each artist's area of expertise shines through the masterful imagery they've chosen to present, you can expect to find inspiration in a wide range of photographic realms including fashion and editorial-driven work, portraiture, landscape, urban decay, and Americana-themed photographs.

With backgrounds in digital photography, Julia, Alex, and Meghan each discuss how film has impacted their artistic visions and how shooting analog has reshaped their approaches in capturing still-frame moments. As an accomplished and widely published artist, Julia provides an enthralling look into her process, self-portrait series, "Windows To The World" project during lockdown, and more. Alex embraces the limitations of film as they conversely force him to slow down and more passionately consider his elegant framing and composition. Throughout his interview, Alex reveals how his thirst for travel sparks gorgeous landscape photography, which ultimately serves to enrich his soul. Meghan's interview examines her love for film as well as her profound passion for exploring abandoned places around Detroit. Her words shed a light on how she uses her camera as a tool to forge new connections, guide herself through unfamiliar locations, and how her camera has essentially become an integral part of her being.

44 pages/8.5x11 in.

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